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Friday 19 July 2013


Lock a Folder Using Free Folder Protector

All of us have some files and folders that we consider private. They can be anything from our business documents to pictures of friends and family.Surely, you can store this information in a hidden folder. The only problem is that anyone can easily search the contents of a hidden folder using Windows Search itself.Hacking is now a prominent issue in computer technology. Hiding your folder is not always enough. The solution to prevent from such circumstances is to set a password to access your folder. Password Protects Folders is a security software. 

Folder Protector

Folder Protector offers each user a protected folder that can only be opened by entering the password in FolderProtector. Unlike most security programs, Folder Protector is small in size (nearly 58KB) and does not show the folder that it is protecting. 

Download for Windows XP


Folder Protector

Folder Protector


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